Adventures of sharkie (2) - Deep water menace
Was really bored a couple of days ago, started playing with sharkie on my table.

There is sharkie. And, hey , what's that in his mouth?
It's a pink turtle ! Sharkie's catch for the day.
turtle: ahhhhh ! faster runnnnn !!! ahhhhhh !!! mommy !!
turtle: ahhhhh ! faster runnnnn !!! ahhhhhh !!! mommy !!
sharkie: booooo
turtle: phew !
apologies. i know it is a very lame post. haha.
told you i am bored.
Hope this post puts away ur day's troubles away
for a while.
turtle: phew !
apologies. i know it is a very lame post. haha.
told you i am bored.
Hope this post puts away ur day's troubles away
for a while.