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When the world falls, I know you will be here

went for red's agm. got ushered here there everywhere at new faces, and hands. tried to be gracious, sensitive, and .............. gracious. ha ! nevertheless, this kinda events tires me. the crowd. the hallos. the how are yous. the oh reallys. the hahas.


somehow underneath it all. i wished i played a more active role in school. despite a lot of things that i dont , and still dont like. ahhh but too many things happened during uni, in my personal life, that i do like to keep track of myself. so somehow still glad that i do have time for myself all this while.

i also understand that this sem will be a hectic one for myself and red. yawnz. getting tired. but will finish this first. with 5 mods. heavy ones. my work. yoga. red has his 5 mods. and comm stuff and work too. aye aye. busy busy. buzzz buzzz. thats the bumblebee flying by.

rambling thoughts. crytic mind.

words are words. actions speak louder. i feel safe with red. When the world falls, I know you will be here
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