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Creative Zen V

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tell me it isnt funky.
Just tell me.
It isnt.

so irritated.
this model is only 1 gig.
will 1 gig be enough for me?
no radio somemore.
sianz 1/2.

Cant they have 2 gig ones with the same color?
the 2 gig ones are fugly.

i dont get this
i will get Creative Zen Neeon 2
got radio with pretty stick-ons.

Anyone working/ going for COMEX 2006? Lemme know. I buy you 2 (TWO. 两. II) cups of milo.

Now, let me explain

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

my fren, yy, has published on her blog a substantially dubious article. I am seeking clarifications over here. I post you the whole, complete, unblemished conversation. You be the judge.

yy: eh my sch has subway now

yy: haha

yy: very nice man !

yy: got discount

yy: 20% or 30%

yy: today i was going lec..wanted to buy in to eat

yy: i wanted to buy today, then they say "sorry we're outta bread, pls come back in 45 mins

yy: T.T

yy:Then after lec I go and buy

yy: wah super nice!

yy: freshly baked!

yy: : )

yy: Warm and nice

yy: and nus the printers got gd discount

me: no wonder cc calls u coupon auntie.

me: i think u discount auntie

(it's really how she say it that reminds me of auntie)

yy: ...

yy: Printers

yy: Printers

yy: those tt u buy and bring home

yy: nothing to do with me

yy: nothing to do with coupons

yy: >.<

me: u auntie lah.

me: ur eyes zoom in on disounts.

me hahaha


Yy: *zip*

( This is the part where I start feeling bad. Cause, I am teasing her only. Surprised by her big reaction, I decide to tell her about auntie antics. So, she wouldn’t feel alone being an auntie.)

Me: dont like that lah

Me: good deals must share

Me: i love aunties.

Me: auntie good wat. i think i m quite aunty also.

Yy: dun want

Yy: i dun like auntie

Yy: i compare prices. then do a lot to save 10 cents.

Yy: I dont

( As I described my auntie antics, yy is super surprised, as you can read from her blog.)

Copied from yy’s blog.

( Change of Perspective. I am XX here)

with regards to the previous post:


xxx: i tell u my auntish antics
xxx: 4 years ago. i bought a lot of liquid paper. cuz got sale.
xxx: i bought like 3/4
xxx: i use until now.
xxx: haha
me: omg
me: OMG
xxx: i think i dont need to buy liquid paper for 2 more years
xxx: i just counted.
xxx: i got 2 spare liquid paper in my drawer
me: ...
me: words cannot express my thots
xxx: aiyah, auntie good wat.
xxx: 1 liquid paper is like ... popular $4.40?
xxx: i think i bought 4 at $3.80 or $3.50 each.
xxx: 4 yrs ago, i still remember.
xxx: the price and where i got it
xxx: win alrdy
me: sure win, win already


me: i must tell cc..haha..
xxx: eh dont want lah
xxx: i shy
me: i help u tell..hahaha
me: i help u put on blog!
xxx: 0.O
xxx: my reputation !
me: gone..already..
xxx: HUH
xxx: i buy u milo
xxx: u be nice to me
me: bribery!
me: corruption!
xxx: chey, u bluff me
xxx: dont have
xxx: i check ur blog
me: hah
me: auntie is scared
xxx: auntie? where?
xxx: *looks around*
xxx: dont have auntie
xxx: only got 2 beauties. Here
xxx: I call u beauty. U also not happy.

Being auntie is not a crime.

qqq: i thought the auntie on yy's blog was you!
except that i was thinking liquid paper won;t be dry meh?
qqq:hey, i gotta go offline now
stay smart and auntish in sch!
me: -.-

p.s. Liquid paper still usable. If u r wondering.

shumie is a mean machine

Monday, August 28, 2006

Twin got this for me. =)

Synthetic Handcrafted Unit Manufactured For Efficient Infiltration

how to be syntheic and handcrafted at the same time?

At least i m efficient.

today at gym

today, i went to gym with piggy. It is enjoyable to go with her. =) We enjoy getting on each other's nerves.

sms conversation:
me: stinky, i rush down leh. where at u? at biz rite?
piggy: not my fault. piggy 2 is slow.
me: pig got short legs. what to do.

at gym:
piggy: y u call me stinky? no reason then u anyhow call.
me: yah. no reason. no need to have reason one, stinky.
piggy: i NOT stinky !!!! (real loud. heads turning to look at us) u are siao zha boh.
me: aiyah..
piggy: you are siao zha boh. if u call me stinky, then i dont answer.
me: stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky stinky PIGGY stinky stinky stinky stinky. PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY
*piggy turns*
piggy: -.-
piggy: u r stinky siao zha boh.
me: la la la

shumie is assured once again

Sunday, August 27, 2006
ok. today, quite worried. 90% confidence with 5% interval; things are ok. i will dutifully wait.

i am 大姐

Saturday, August 26, 2006
i am in this PeerHelping thing in sch. and there's this guy who is my xiao di. He's actually 1 yr older than me. But, he's nice to bully. heh heh. sometimes, i get bullied. hahha. it's nice though. to talk complete bullshit.


xiao di: so where u going later?
me: home larh.
xiao di: go home and sleep rite?
me: -.- huh? y u say that?
xiao di: you everytime go home and sleep one. See you on msn.
"where are you now?"
" At home"
" are u going out later?"
" what u doing?"
" going to take nap"
me: wa lau. not everytime like that larh. wa lau
xiao di: but u always at home.
me: so u implying that i have no life?
xiao di: nope. it is good to recuperate so u can be energetic for the next day.
me: so it's good larh.
xiao di: but u always recuperate one.
me: -.- wa lau !

On the way to Cathay,

xiao di: you must be thankful
me: why?
xiao di: cuz i am bringing u out. so u dont home and sleep.
me: grrrrr..... wa lau
xiao di: =)

After the movie,

xiao di: super disappointing ! ahhh... so boring... waste money.. grrr..
me: aiyah. ok lah. now dont have good shows. aniston is a hot babe. i like.
xiao di: *continue grumbling*
me: wa lau. u like small kid leh.
xiao di: grr.. i bring u out leh. so u dont go home and sleep.
me: wa lau. so i must thank you larh.
xiao di: of cuz !
me: ok. i want to go home and sleep liao. go home.
xiao di: see larh. Go home and sleep rite ?!
me: ...

there's 3 of us. the other is a girl. who is highly amused by our antics. she was laughing and laughing and laughing. so nice. to hear her laugh.

i like to hear ppl laugh.

ok. this post is nonsensical.

i go and sleep liao.


voices in my head

my mind is a bitch. thoughts consume me. i cant stop thinking.

stop talking to me. stop. stop. stop. stop.

have you ever
forced yourself out of the house
so you can stop thinking?

and the moment
activities end

you take the bus ride home
as you walk the road
up the lift
to your door

the every thoughts
you are trying to put away
are back
in your head

they have
never left

they have never left

they will never leave

what if, my best still isnt good enough for you?

It's not a matter if it can be done. but rather, what's more impt is, if it is done with a heart.

Things are not obligatory. They never are.


stop. stop. stop. stop. stop.



fren is happy

Friday, August 25, 2006
fren: i am happier
me: u happy = i happy = we happy= everyone happy = whole world happy= world peace.

Passwords for Idiots

Passwords shuMie uses:




p.s. passwords have all been changed. except for the unimportant ones.

Happy burp-day !

Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy burp-day, Ah Pek !

22 years old liao.
one more candle on the cake.
one more wrinkle at the corner of ur eyes.
one more strand of white hair.


ok. think i better not poke fun at you too much. these kind of things got karma one. ( i alrdy received my desserts from laughing at ur tummy. now i got my own to poke at) .my burp-day is in one month's time. I will be goody two shoes for this month. so, there will be No accumulation of bad karma. =)

basically, regarding the matter, i trust ur judgement; whether to go for it or not. In any case, I am sure you will factor me into consideration; and that's enough for me. That's actually very important to me; to be able to do what you wish to but with me in consideration. With whatever decision you make, I will go along with it. If you go for it, we will discuss how we can make time for each other. If you decide not to, we will discuss what other things you can do. That's basically what i think, larh. At least, up to now. But, pls do not forget; the most important detail in this paragraph; I will rOar when necessary. and, it's my job, my privilege, my honor. *wootz*

No longer shark; now Mighty Mouse

Monday, August 21, 2006
Here I come, to save the day!

whooosh !


Saturday, August 19, 2006
I signed up for a online dvd rental service. Hollywoodclicks. Basically, you order dvds online, they would post it to you. To return it, you just drop it back to a postbox. Easy.

These are the dvds I've watched. =)

Analyze that

Robert DeNiro

Gangster show which has some scenes similar to Godfather. Look below. Funny comedy.

He's grieving. It's a process

Scent of a woman

Al Pacino

Honestly, the storyline isnt great. It's sorta loopy. And, the climax of the show is a sideline to the main storyline. Kinda full faults. Nevertheless, it is worth the watch for last 15 mins of the show. when Al Pacino makes his final speech. His voice strong, articulation perfect. He's a charmastic orator.
Besides, al pacino acted as a blind man in the show. And he does indeed act, believeably, blind right down to the last detail; where he fumbles for his cane on the table. etc.
definitely worth the watch if u hadnt seen this actor in his movies. Amazing. It's quite a vulgar show though. Not for the vulgarities intolerant.

Frank Slade: As I came in here,I heard those words, "cradle of leadership". 
Well, when the bough breaks,the cradle will fall,and it has fallen. 
It has fallen.  
Makers of men, creators of leaders.
Be careful what kind of leaders, you're producin' here.
I don't know if Charlie's
silence here today is right or wrong;
I'm not a judge or jury.But I can tell you this 
he won't sell anybody out..
to buy his future ! 
And that, my friends, is called integrity.

Godfather 1 and 2

Marlo Brando Al Pacino Robert DeNiro

The godfather is famous. It's the film which protrays the Italian mafia in such a realistic way that many directors watch it as part of their research. I've got the book. and u should read it.


Life is beautiful

Roberto Bengini

Guido always have a sense of humor and creativity for everyone. His positive attitude makes life look beautiful when it isnt. His courtship to his wife, wow, how i wish i was her. It's so romantic. While his wife was a rich German, Guido was a Jewish waiter at a restaurant. The story took a sudden turn when the war came. And, the family is sent to the ghettos. But, Guido told his 5 yr old son that it is a all a game. He didnt want his son to know the harsh reality of what was happening. The winner of this game would win a real army tank. At the camp, to let his wife that him and his son was alive and well, he used the PA system to say Good morning to his wife. and played their favorite tune over the air. WHat a touching show.

Guido: [being shipped to a concentration camp] You've never ridden on a train, have you? They're fantastic! Everybody stands up, close together, and there are no seats!
Giosué Orefice: There aren't any seats?
Guido: Seats? On a train? It's obvious you've never ridden one before! No, everybody's packed in, standing up. Look at this line to get on! Hey, we've got tickets, save room for us!

Fatal Attraction

Michael Douglas/ Glenn Close

Dan has a weekend fling with Alex while his wife is away. They had well, great sex. Later, Alex suicidal when Dan wants to end the weekend relationship. Dan soon learns that Alex was sexually abused when she was young. And, not so easy to get rid of after the fling.

Telephone Operator: Operator. May I help you?
Alex Forrest: Operator, I've been trying to get 555-8129. 212? The recording says its been disconnected.
Telephone Operator: Just a moment please.
Telephone Operator: I'm sorry, the number's been changed to an unlisted number.
Alex Forrest: Operator, this is a real emergency please. You need to give me that number.
Telephone Operator: I'm sorry. We're not allowed ot give out that information.
Alex Forrest: Well FUCK YOU!
Telephone Operator: My place or yours?
[Alex slams phone]

How to lose a guy in 10 days

Kate Hudson Matthew McConaughey

Andie writes a column for a magazine. And Ben works for a advertising company. Basically, Andie is researching all the Not-to-dos for girlfriends, the ultimate things that guys hate. Getting emotional. Invasion of pink flurry things into the boyfriends home. =) And, the good things is that, Ben is supposed to hold on to Andie for 10 days, to get his advertising deal for his company. Guess what happens, man. They both fell for each other. =)

Andie: Unattached?
Ben: Currently.
Andie: Likewise.
Ben: Surprising.
Andie: Psycho?
Ben: Rarely, Interested?
Andie: Perhaps.
Ben: Hungry?
Andie: Starving.
Ben: Leaving?
Andie: Now?


Julia Roberts Natalie Portman

I think I really like this show. The screen opening was 2 strangers walking towards each other on a crowded street with Damien Rice's The Blower's Daughter on the background.
" And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time"
The story is about 4 adults who were strangers at first. They soon coupled up, broke up, and switched partners. A movie of betrayal, human behaviors, and relationships.

The song resonated in my ears for the whole day. not that i mind.

Kungfu Hustle

Stephen Chow ( my idol )

I've got a fren who looks like Yang Guo ! Really !! hahaha.

The Axe Gang dance steps. wootz. i also want to learn. so funky.

Sing: Fatwoman, you're in charge here, right?
Landlady: [takes her shoe off, slaps Sing with it] Fatwoman, my ass!
Sing: I'm with the Axe Gang!
Landlady: [slaps him] Axe Gang, my ass!
Sing: Boss!
Landlady: [slaps him] Boss, my ass!
Sing: You have to pay our medical bills!
Landlady: Bills, my ass!
Sing: We're on the same side!
Landlady: Same side, my ass!
Sing: A snake!
Landlady: Snake, my ass!


my back is alright again ! wooooo. i am very relieved. I did some stretching and back exercises at home. I guess, it helped. I was fearing that I have to go to the Acupunturist and get my body twisted at weird angles. Luckily, there's no need for that. Damn heng. Phew.

*somersaults... virtually* =)

I feel 18 again !


Something's up my sleeve ! And, I wont tell you what it is ! =p


To red

"I can't stop the rain
From falling down on you again
I can't stop the rain
But I will hold you
Till it goes away."

- When the rain comes, Third Day

Something is brewing

Friday, August 18, 2006
(2:00 AM) shuMie...: ok
so r u going to post it up?
(2:00 AM) H: do u want me to post it up?
(2:01 AM) shuMie...: u want then post lor.


Thursday, August 17, 2006


shumie is happy outside in

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
it begun with a cup of milo and a pie that lost its way.

(haha. dont look at me. i dont know where's the pie. tell me if you find it)

back strained

Monday, August 14, 2006
hurt my back again. now, i cant bend forward. or lean back.

got up the wrong side of the bed. really.

hope it gets well. been a few days alrdy.

disco at my place

Sunday, August 13, 2006
this year, like previous years, there's a ge tai near my place.

the speakers faced my block of flats. So, as u can imagine, my house literally became discotheque. every beat can be felt, every note of song heard right next to my ears.

Hokkein songs like "Huan Hee Ti Ho" (Happy can already), and latest mandarin hits, "Mice like rice", are sang with flashy lights and techno beats.

The worse thing is, when everything ended, and i crawled into bed a few hours later, I dreamt that i was crooning those songs! damn !

To you, it might be a nuisance. But, i just wanted to hear words of comfort.

Ducks peddling in water

This prof of mine likes to use this term. I like this prof. Because, he teaches well, and profs who teach well are hard to find. furthermore, he is a "welfare/ ah beng" prof. haha. i think u get the drift.

"We are like ducks peddling in water", he likes to say.

"You never see a duck on water before? Above water, u see the duck. All calm and steady. And sometimes, a bit arrogant, becuz the head is tilted upwards. But, if u look below the waters, the duck is peddling like mad, i tell you. Peddling like mad."

And so, we are all ducks peddling in water.


was thoughtful last few days, received news that my uncle got cancer. Things aint looking too good. besides worrying about his health, there is also a turn of fate which i feel sympathy for. To add on, there is the usual family gathering. (i didnt go. i heard.) But, instead of instilling the hope and faith that it should, it made me come clear with myself. Things are simply the way it is.

Anyway, family ties are important. It is the blood ties that bonds us together. So, family, family, family.

And, outside the family, if there are ppl whom u click with - friends, they are to be treasured too. Cuz, they are ppl outside the family whom would be there for you.


women dont mean what they say

Friday, August 11, 2006

previous entry removed

Thursday, August 10, 2006
it is removed and put under my diary which is also known as my "problems and solutions" book.

Things are fine. Life's life.

David Marshall: Have the courage to live, don’t be afraid!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
i'm a enthusiastic reader of mrbrown.com and feel compelled to share this with you. If there is anyone that this post should be addressed to; it should be addressed to us - the young.

Dharmendra Yadav shares an interview with the late David Marshall, the first Chief Minister of Singapore and one of Singapore’s finest legal minds.


When I was Chief Minister, there were men dying of starvation and because of ‘beri-beri’. I took my PA [personal assistant] and an Inspector of Police for night at midnight. For two hours, we toured Singapore and we estimated there were two ten thousand men sleeping on the pavements. No homes.

Today - no unemployment, no homeless. I started this business of building homes for our people. Compare the puny work I achieved and the fantastic HDB homes that are available today for our people. I am deeply impressed and I take off my hat to this very able honest government. Dedicated!

But I am seen as a critic and I am a critic.

I am frankly terrified by this massive control of the mass media, the press, the radio, television, antennae, [and] public meetings. You can’t write a letter to the Straits Times; if there is a shadow of criticism, it’s not published. And the Chinese press follows suit. It’s a very dangerous position because experience proves that no one group of human beings has got all the wisdom in the world.

Desperado. The eagles.

Heard this song this morning on itunes. a mellow way to start the day.

woke up with song in my head

Monday, August 07, 2006
Ridiculous Thoughts. By Cranberries

shumie is forward looking. but she cant help glancing back from time to time.

nevertheless, she cherishes what she has now; with her fellow monster, shark, piggies, xiaoguas.

( i do have funny friends. haha. what's next? =p)

nothing interesting

Saturday, August 05, 2006
These few weeks, I really have nothing to post. I have terrible time when i log in to blogger. Cuz, i do like to post, but right now, i seem to have nothing to say. And this blank state of mind is present for the past few weeks.

but, wth. i dont have to be anything here. so, i shall provide a writeup of my life. haha. =)

smu sch starts on 21 august. (yep. ntu is 4 august, nus 14 august, smu is 21 august. neh neh nee boo boo)

but, i have started sch alrdy. cuz i m taking a summer term. This means, that i m using the holiday time to clear modules so that i can complete my degree earlier. I am taking a finance module. Dont think u guys would be interested in what exactly i am studying, so i am going to leave it out.

Sch is 3 days per week, in the afternoons. So it is Monday, Wed, and Fri afternoons. That goes quite a bit in why i am not hanging out with ppl that much. Cuz, i got my classes going on, plus project work to be done. And most likely, i m quite tired when class end. =(

Life is boring in that sense because the trips i make are always roundabout trips. Home->School-> Home. It doesnt help that i realise i've not completed my holiday list of to-dos.
And, i also know that the next time i have to time to do those is next year. exactly 12 months from now. =( Furthermore, i have not been meeting the people i have been wanting to meet. the people i want to hangout with. like xiaoguas and red and twin and all. =( with the xiaoguas, i have to miss the latest cycling trip cuz i m alrdy mtg other ppl alrdy. for red, he's busy with smu stuff, so occupied that i dont want to make him any busier. for twin, we are mtg next sat rite? =) haha.

ok, the above is like grumblings. That's see what things i can be thankful for.

well, summer class is quite fun. cuz of the 2 irritating piggies, and the funny prof. which i really appreciate. cuz class is enjoyable. lessons are less dry. classes are fun. =) besides classes in the afternoon, means that i can sleep late. i wake up at 9-10am everyday. a luxury. =) i signed up for hollywoodclicks which rents dvd. so, i get movies now and then. and so, i am no longer restricted to the black box at home, which i find extremely boring. =) the camp that i m helping with is over, and it received good comments.=) i am no longer working. =))) i get the time to spend with parents since i am often home. =) returned xr her slamdunk comics and borrowed the vcds instead. haha. =)

anyway, i m still on the slightly depressive mood. pms a not, i leave it up to you.


Friday, August 04, 2006
pig: wah. red slimmed a lot leh.
me: huh.. really ah?
pig: yah. from last time i saw him, really slimmed down a lot.
me: haha. yah. i keep laughing that he is fat. then he go exercise. yah. now lose weight liao.
pig *nods*
pig: hey. u buck up larh. u so fat.
pig: yah larh. u so fat. he slimmed down alrdy. you still so fat ?!
me: *runs to a corner and cries*


me: mummy, my fren say i am fat. Am i?
mum: u dont eat anymore larh.
mum: no lah. u like that very nice. dont eat anymore.
mum *continue staring at Tv*

I should start to repent on the Prawn Mee i ate a few days ago.

Episode 2

during proj work

pig: eh. do with shumie lah. she got high tolerance level.
me: high tolerance doesnt mean no temper hor.
pig: nevermind ! i am sure u can tolerate !
me: -.-

me: u guys always bully me.
pig 2: huh where got?
pig: yah. we nv bully you. we are so nice to you.
pig 2: i never bully you. whether pig got bully u a not, i dont know. but, i really nv bully you. shumie, i so nice to you. rite?
me: ... erh.. okok.. you guys nv bully me. very nice. very nice.
pig and pig 2: HAHAHAHA
me: (u guys damn perverse.)

irritable mood

Thursday, August 03, 2006
it is the period when spirits run high, emotions get rolled over.

stepping on my nerves, as frustrations boil.

new word learnt today

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Sai Kang Warrior.

To think that it actually sounds nice.