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everything and nothing irritates me

Friday, June 30, 2006
where are u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



i go slp.


little girl's problem

it's a matter i wouldnt like to mention on my blog. cuz it's personal and pte.

but i can stand it anymore.

i've got the little girl's problem. No. thats not funny.

I seriously PMS-ing. the past week is terrible. Moodswings and all.

A moment i feel invincible. the next day, i am dreadfully moody.

i cant take it anymore. nothing seems to help. damn sick and tired of all this.

there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

There's no hope.

What's wrong with my body ?

I want to change sex. Be a man.

this is the worst encounter ever.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006
ok. this post is abt my recovery.

cuz i went to the western doc for med. then the doc gave me panadol. I dont like to take panadol unless absolutely necessary. cuz. its bad for health. esp for women. but the doc gave me panadol. so, i took it for my fever.

but, fever didnt go down completely. temp raises when time lapse.

So, sat and sun i took 12 tablets of panadol. That's like more than my 1 yr intake of the med. seriously. 2-3 yr even.

Monday came. and i still had a fever. Mom was saying to bring me to chinese doc.

oh oh before that. Mom brewed me this chinese med ( which i utterly hate for its smell. but it had no smell then. cuz of my flu. ) for fever. it didnt work.

so, mom brought me to chinese doc. this doc i have been seeing since young. He's great for children esp. and doc who deals good in children are damn pro ones. cuz, children illnesses are damn tricky. Immune system so low, anxious parents, and so relunctant to rest. this doc he got lotsa exp. i.e. He's old. He's abt 80-90, i guess ?

At the consultation, he mentioned briefly abt me being heaty and wanted to "Force" the heatiness out. the heatiness in my body is the reason why western med didnt work on me.

With the first dose of med, i felt my body getting warm. I feel strange. Cuz, u dont get tinging with heat ( i got goosebumps from the warmth) from chinese med usually. Then, i thought back abt what he said abt FORCING heat out. It dawned on me. He wanted to FORCE heat out so i can recover. I was like " woah. he can actually FORCE heat out, ah. zhun boh ?"

When i had the western med, my outer body is cool, while i can feel my insides warm. With the chinese med, it sorta made the inside warmth travel outside to the skin surface. so when u touch my arm, u feel hot.

It's like I have been standing under the sun for hours. that kind of hot.

Really. no bluff.

After 3 doses of med. I am cured.

Within an afternoon.


He very zhun larh.

I am impressed larh. Amazed too.

He can actually conjure right mix of med to FORCE heat out of the body.


i drink chrysanthemmum tea. no use.

i drink the disgusting med tea for fever. no use.

Panadol. of cuz. bloody hell. no use.

He. dont know do wat magic. FORCE heat out.

so magical ! of cuz. of cuz. he physician wat. thats y can FORCE. eh. but no hor. not every phy can FORCE ok. some are quacks.

he damn zai. i impressed. i amazed.

he's my idol.

and so, he made my day.

i am a happy little girl again.

Healthy too. =)

p.s. no side effects. healthy until can jump. just within one day. u say power a not ?

i kowtow. He very experienced.

if, there's one thing for me to say to you, i want to tell you that; ...................


the words in italics are words of encouragment to twin. for intended purposes. haha.

reminiscing the past

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
initially i wanted to post a interesting entry. on how i recovered. on how happy i am. to have recovered. secondly, i got my paycheck. and immediately dropped it off at the bank.

the joy ! the delight ! the squeal ! It's pure. From the heart kind of happiness.

i decided to postpone that.

cuz, i stumbled. or rather. went to write a previous fren's blog. yup. u read it correctly. previous.

on second thought, i think i shall let my thots remain with me. What I've realised, i do not need to share.

I only share the good stuff.


Life's good. cuz u made it good.

so sian

Sunday, June 25, 2006
i am sick. the medicine that doc gave dont seem to work. my temperature dips then rise again.

sooo sian.

i have taken up a new nickname. Ms. Whiney. I keep whining.

i dont like to be sick. and i am not reporting to work today. so sian. boss must be thinking that i am skiving or sth.

i spent saturday sleeping the whole day. except for meal times, drink water, and go toilet. the rest of the time, the bloody flu medicine makes me drowsy.

sunday, i walked around the house with a thermometer. measure my temperature every 15 mins and tell everyone ( they have alrdy known, and banished me to my own room) that i am sick.

so sian. i tell u.

i think the med that doc gave doesnt work. mom is bringing me to somewhere else.

it sucks to be sick.


A sigh, A sneeze, A cough

Sick. =(

Fever. Cold.

What a terrible condition.

p.s. twin, XR birthday is near. what do u think ?

A sigh, A sneeze, A cough

Sick. =(

Fever. Cold.

What a terrible condition.

at work

Friday, June 23, 2006
everyone is like so busy. all except me.

me and my phonelist. how cosy.

braindead work. copy and paste the yellowpages to call tmr.

wish me luck.

22 june 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006
"I know who I want to take me home."
-Closing time. Greenday.

All things doesnt stand in the sands of time. It's a love hate relationship. Hatred gets washed away. Love too. It's a love hate relationship.

Slowly, as things get washed away. What stands? When all that u viewed important loses it significance, what would u use as justification ?

Do u get what I mean?

Human Beans are emotional creatures.

Sometimes, the decisions we make are subjected to our emotions. and we use our logical mind to justify for it.

When the emotional reasons comes to nothing, we deal with the falling of our dreams. And we are thrown in the turmoil of our logical minds.

Why did we listen to our emotional side in the first place?

shumie babbles nonsense when she is tired.



Tuesday, June 20, 2006
a couple of days ago, i talked to him On the impulse kinda thing. Without thought.

The purpose was to inform. To let him know before all others know. It is an act of courtesy. This act of courtesy which he didnt grant me.

Because, the song is just a song now. I no longer ponder. i no longer get the sights.
the dark no longer haunts.

And so, i talked to him. He responded. Acknowledged what i was saying. and left.

Women. are so weird creatures. I cannot fathom.

To each his own.
To each his own.
To each his own.

going to

Monday, June 19, 2006

300 calls.



Sunday, June 18, 2006

Langkawi. Beach area. In Msia. My type of holiday. Heavenly. Green waters. Blue sky. White sands.

Well known for its sandy beaches.

and of cuz. its coconut trees too.

on this sunny saturday. me and hoon. went to the heavenly place ! LANGKAWEEEEEEEEEEEE !It's an impromptu thing. Pack bag and go that kinda thing. so sorry we didnt inform you guys. We wanted some time alone, u understand? *wink*

Us. with the famous sandy beach. and the famous coconut trees.

i m possessive. i want 1 coconut tree to myself. hmph.

hoon. with her coconut tree. look at the crowded backgrd. a lot of ppl k ?

of cuz. bright sunny day. must sun bathe !
gosh. my legs are so white. and i look like a chunk of meat on the deck chair. fat liao. fat liao.

hoon acting pathetically cute.


ok deception ends here. we went to sentosa larh. dad got free tix. =) heh heh. let me imagine that i am overseas, will ya ? =( even if it lasts for 1 minute, i would like it too.

hoon looking flushed from the hot sun. we were queueing to go the sky tower. got 20% discount. so it's $8. and i bluffed the uncle to give us discount. haha. blehz.

carlsberg.sky tower.a world of friends. 131m above sea level. we are taller than the merlion !

the sight isnt really breathetaking. but u can see very far. here, u can see the ferry terminal and the PSA. but, becuz, it rotates 360degrees. u kinda get diddy.

Palawan beach. the little "islets" are actually breakwaters.


A shumie pdtn works.


any plans to make my deception come true ?

Hug vitamins

Friday, June 16, 2006
msn conversation

withdrawal Twin: huggg
shumie says:
hee y u want to hug me?
withdrawal says:
to giv u hug vitamins

i got hug vitamins ! u have a not ? Have ? Good. =) dont have ? come come. i give u one. =)

one hug vitamin to go !


Darkest fear

Thursday, June 15, 2006
One of my darkest fear back in Secondary school was to lead life as an invalid.

Invalid not meaning that i want to accomplish, earn reputation, win medals or such.

My fear is that I have eyes that dont see, ears that dont listen, a mind that dont learn.

i want to see. i want to listen. and i want to learn.

the world is borderless.

how which of it have u seen? Do u want to see more?

The journey will be long, and tiring. I know. The sights dont come without a price.

Free-spirited? Maybe.

The world is big

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
and i believe there is a place for me.

i know this may sound incredibly stupid. but. i dont like to quit. i dont like to do things half-way and leave. i dont like. it is a character flaw. perhaps, due to virgo traits. perfectionist. once u start, u should finish it. cannot stop.

but when it really really gets into me. i m thrown into conflict. like now. i dont like my job. but if i quit, its like .. urgh.. i dont like.

Quit or stay on. Both i dont like.

Dont like. Dont do.

mom ( and everyone actually ) : "Dont like then quit lah."
me: but if i quit, like one week only.
mom: " if dont like, then quit. but, i cant keep telling to quit everytime. Next time, u keep quitting. Cannot take hardship. Cannot have a habit to run off."

One needle draws blood.



Monday, June 12, 2006

“i want the world in my hands”

” u want me in ur hands? then crash me? then kill me?”

“no. i want to see the world through your eyes.”


“That is all. That is all. That is all i ever want to do.”

Slowly. Slowly. We can never see too far ahead. And, for a reason, we shouldnt. No one knows what the future hold. If u are to see to the future to determine your present, u may have an entire different future altogether. i.e. dont act smart. go with the flow. see where it brings you to. it may bring you to the green mountains or the stormy waters. you will nv know. you can never tell. go with the flow. and see where it brings you.

if u end up in the stormy waters, you will be first brought to green mountains.

if u end up in the green mountains, you will first have to swim through stormy waters.

you know what i mean. i dont have to explain.

p.s."I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart -- you're the only one for me"

A relationship isnt something you can say u are sure of. Becuz, u simply cant. To say so, is to delude yourself. and your partner.

Exchange. do i really want to go.


Saturday, June 10, 2006
i feel bored. partly, no satisfaction from work. partly, no activity in my life.

i am not as happening as you think lah. gimme a call one of these days and u will realise that i am home most of the time.

holidays should not be like this. holidays should be fun and exciting.

i want to do things. i want to go somewhere.

the thing is. what. and. where.

ok. i think i will bake cookies tmr. yeay !

due to limited budget constraints. shopping trips are only limited to window shopping. =) quite sian to be reading books. books are good. but its kinda placed on the relativity scale. when i study, i long for the time to read. when i free, i want to play more than read. hm.

i want to spend more time with u !!!

ask me out man. =) quick quick quick. while stocks last.

anyway, tmr will be making walnut and choc cookies. interested parties ( courageous and brave to try my baking skills =) ) contact me.

if mom allow. i may bake walnut cake too.

weee. i love walnuts.

understanding the female race.

The female race.

i have troubles understanding the female race. even though i am one of them or us.

females nv really do mean what they say when it comes to making decisions. like where to eat and such. a particular fren of mine says she is fine with anything but actually she has a rough idea of what she wants. Perhaps, it is the willingness to accomodate another person that causes one's voice to be soft, to be less heard ? shrug.

Females will streak at the sight of animals 100 (?) times smaller than them. In actual fact, the poor creatures gets a psychotic attack at the the female screams. poor things. if u r wondering if it is true, i tell you, it is.

i realised i am digressing. my real purpose is not to mention how females dont mean what they say, or how females react to black winged creatures. hey. this is another trait of the female race. We tend to overtalk. we talk to avoid, i guess. some things are harder to mention than the rest.

an object has been in my cupboard for quite some time. Memento sake. Memories sake. I have been wanting to put it away for quite some time alrdy. everytime i open the cupboard, i would tell myself to part it for good.

a few days ago, i decided to springclean my room. it is badly needed. i forgot the color of my tabletop.

and so, i cleared out my table, my cupboard. and i saw the object lying there. peacefully. in its paperbag.

lying there peacefully. quietly. Perhaps, hoping that i didnt see it at all.

i took it out. from the cupboard. peered into it.

nothing but a few pieces of memories.

I took it out. and placed it on the floor next to my table.

"ok, later when i go out. i will bring it out."

I went out later in the afternoon. and. honestly forgot abt the paper bag to bring out. honestly. forgot.

And there it laid. Peacefully. Quietly. On the floor. Beside my table.

a few days later i saw the package again.

lying there. Peacefully. Quietly.

Silently. Pleading with me.

I took it up. peered into it.

Nothing but a few pieces of memories. Nothing that ever mattered.

As I slowly put it back on the floor, my body swung. Suddenly.

With my other free hand, I opened the cupboard door.

In one hurried action, i placed the package back into its position.

Inside the cupboard. Where it used to belong.

Rapidly closed the cupboard door. Stride out to the living room.

"one day. one day. it will be put away."

One day.

When ?

Now, will you please kindly explain this to me.

No. Perhaps, you dont have to explain. Perhaps, i know it inside me all this while. Perhaps, all this prove another side of the female race.

Right or wrong; To put away or to keep; is ..........

My world is spinning.

No. perhaps i wasnt interested in why. afterall.



Friday, June 09, 2006
it is seriously torturous. to. hear. one. song.YES.just. ONE. song. from 9-5.30pm.

one song. one song. one song. one song. one song. one song.

does that look irritating to you?

imagine the suffering my ears went. one song. 9-5.30pm.

the worse thing is, i wonder if i am the only one hearing it. there are no complains from the others. are they deaf or they got no ears?

it's in the office. the pantry. the toilet. the lobby. the lift. the walkway. the corridor. the canteen.


i finally couldnt stand it anymore and went to Pandora and listened to Buble.

p.s. my colleague. who sits like 3, 4 seats behind me. Her favorite song is David Powter's I have a bad day.



Wednesday, June 07, 2006




Nemesis. Office Printer.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
due to the my office environment, i cant verbally express my feelings in the workplace.

imagine all the speech bubbles above my head. i bet it looks sth like this.



are u sure u want to know ? i think i better not write.


Monday, June 05, 2006
as many of u know me, i am the kind " dare-to-see, dare-to-do" type. adventurous. playful. a bit on the gung-ho side. "Let's go!". "Let's do it". "Who say cannot? Do larh. Show them."

I was talking to parents about exchange. Exchange is really a choice. It's not compulsory.

I want to go. I want to see and learn new things. It will be fun. Adventure. And, i will learn more.

As in, i will live with myself. Foreign country. New friends. New surroundings. Out of my comfort zone. I like to step out of my comfort zone. I learn more. And, a lot more.

mom was mentioning the things to bring. rice cooker. soup bases. ikan billis. soap powder. and suddenly, all those that i've taken forgranted came into mind.

Family. Meals warmed for me. Clothes washed, dried, ironed for me. Room tidied for me. Scoldings for me. Naggings for me. 3 pairs of eyes on me.

Friends. Much laughter. much company. much joy. much gossips.

Red. Many understandings. Many unspoken. Some said. Much tenderness. So little time.

I dont want to leave. Dont take me away.


Saturday, June 03, 2006
i did a post during the new year period. 43things. it is a website where u list down the things u want to get done. Something like new year's resolutions. and. u find similar ppl who want to do the same things as you. u get encouragement. and advice.

well. i checked upon my list of 39 things. and i happily ticked like 6 off. =) some are life-long goals. like travel the world. wake up when my alarm clock goes off. these things cant be rushed. heh heh.

take a look at my 43things homepage. perhaps u would be inspired to set up a list for urself. most imptly, check back regularly. and get things done ! =)

oh, do take a look at the homepage. if u can offer help in any of my 36things, LET ME KNOW !! *hugs and kisses given in advance*

my 36 things.

The five variable love test.

The problem with being a libra is that .. every blog test u do. always turn out to be. in moderation. Always. 50-50.

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is medium.
You probably have had a couple significant loves.
And you may have even had your heart broken.
But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people.


Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.


Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.

Saying Bye to Toot specs.

Say Hi to Specky !

p.s. as u can see, my table is in quite a mess. heh heh.  Posted by Picasa


Friday, June 02, 2006
We are all Drifters in this wide ocean called Life.

We join organisations, institutions, bodies, groups, partnerships, clubs, societies, whether we like it or not, so we will stop drifting. and have an identity.

These organisations gives us an identity ? We are nothing by ourselves?

More often, these organisations have a time life. there is a graduation.

It is after this "graduation" that we find if we really belong.

Meetings without a purpose. no motivation.

Just enjoying the company of those around.

It is this unobligated means of staying in touch thats lasts for a considerable period. There are no motives, no objectives, no need.

You do what you do. Simply because, you love what you are doing.

And, this takes 2 hands or more. to clap.