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classes from 8 to 5

i am going zzzz

mentally tired, and unfocused. turned grumpy into the afternoon cuz there is lack of oxgyen in the brain. mood turned ok after talking to chee kor pek. that reminds me...

ckp: why dont u be smelly winky?
me: o.0
ckp: and you be fatty tubby?
piggy 1: 0.0

piggy 1: then what is he?
me: he is chee kor pek !
ckp: yah. i m chee kor pek.

ROARS. so funny lah. but i think ckp is too nice for him. maybe i should call him KOP for king of P.rn. haha. got mountains of treasure also dont share with me. hur. =p

and and and on msn

1:28:22 PM
shumie... ahhh bad mood. go away

ckp, u want coffee tea or me?
1:28:29 PM

shumie... ahhh bad mood. go away
1:28:42 PM

shumie... ahhh bad mood. go away

SCANDAL !! SCANDAL !! hahahhaa

shuMie gives red a tummy pat. it's a arranged msn conversation. hehe.

oh oh.. after my class at 5, i wanted to wake myself up, waiting for red too. went to get myself mr beanie ice cream. nice. i like. low fat. lurve it. =)

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