eric's party
he's still the same. Jolly, friendly and extroverted guy. Same elmo smile.
It's nice to see so many ppl you lost contact with. Although, not many ppl went, the company is still enjoyable. And, the girls have become swans, and the guys are still childish, and look the same.
I am truly glad that i went. Really glad.
there are doubts if ppl will be going and such, and put their decision with a good friend. These cases end up all friends not going. It only takes one to show interest and the rest will follow. At least, that is what I think.
There's some unhappiness regarding a group of ppl, which i feel is a blown up issue. and totally out of proportions as it is. Live, and let live. That seems to be my motto. I do hate politics. And, i want no part in it. Both sides are in the wrong. And, I shant comment any further. One must remember, what comes around, goes around. If you short change someone, you will find the path ahead rocky.
i am not a sweet girl. I am chor, and unruly. I am intrinsically an ah lian. That's why red is more like a buddy.
It's nice to see so many ppl you lost contact with. Although, not many ppl went, the company is still enjoyable. And, the girls have become swans, and the guys are still childish, and look the same.
I am truly glad that i went. Really glad.
there are doubts if ppl will be going and such, and put their decision with a good friend. These cases end up all friends not going. It only takes one to show interest and the rest will follow. At least, that is what I think.
There's some unhappiness regarding a group of ppl, which i feel is a blown up issue. and totally out of proportions as it is. Live, and let live. That seems to be my motto. I do hate politics. And, i want no part in it. Both sides are in the wrong. And, I shant comment any further. One must remember, what comes around, goes around. If you short change someone, you will find the path ahead rocky.
i am not a sweet girl. I am chor, and unruly. I am intrinsically an ah lian. That's why red is more like a buddy.