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Quote: sms

Thursday, November 30, 2006
me: got moth in my room. i scared. repulsive moths.
red: You can bite the month. see the moth scared a not.
me: -.-" roar. i bite u la. keep flying around.
me: covered myself with my blanket. at least wont fly onto me.
red: u so scaredy cat. so childish.

nah mind. i know what you are scared of. BEWARE !!

*evil laughter*

they say, dont carry your hopes too high

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
you will be very disappointed.

like me.


0.0 they are going back !!!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
but without me..




but still, =)

2 years ?


bored with studying

Monday, November 27, 2006
after my first paper, i m feeling too relax to study. the first paper is the heaviest of all, the most challenging. now, that it is over, i'm in holiday mood. that's not the way.

craving for some sun. some slacking on the beach. but it seems to be raining so often nowadays. intern starting after the weekend after exams end. that means i dont get a holiday. but at least i do get some income to get the thigns i want. =) actually, i cant wait for intern to start. but, the opportunity cost is high though. i could be doing many many things.

sigh.. 3 more papers to go. and i am filled with holidays thoughts alrdy.

not a good sign. definitely.

i miss ..

the skies are always blue
clouds fluffy and white
at MacDon*alds,
that ant infested bench


we all know
we cant go back again..

Untitled. Unclassified. Past

Sunday, November 26, 2006
walk and walk; the burden gets lighter. The mind sets clearer. The stars shine brighter. The soul feels weaker. The passion grows stronger. Walk and walk. I arrive at home. I'm home. Still awake you?

you have walked far.

Have you walked home yet?

I've have found home.

was the daisies a fleeting sight?

confuse. gloom. enlightened. peace.

are you home yet?

scattered. thoughts.
littered. words.
uncleaned. mind.
heart. wretching.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

so rash for what.

have eyes to see. have a heart to feel. have a brain to think.

rash action is a hormonal effect.

not using eyes to see, heart to feel, and brain to think.

very very stupid

i am not them

Friday, November 24, 2006
i cant see myself in them too.

fren got problem, and so i was sticking my nose into other's problems. there isnt any trouble. it is a discreet nose peek. if u call it that way.

out of all the sniffing for details, i realise that i am essentially different. the word, essential, is impt here. it highlights the fact that i do not belong, although we r the same age group.

the things that make them happy, dont make me happy.

the things that happen for them, dont happen for me.

we are just essentially different.

ending off with my personal comment, i still think it is unfair to the party involved to be classified as superficial by a 3rd uninvolved party. how much do you know about him to make such a remark. Coming from a victim of harsh words, people have to take more care in the power of words. and how it makes them feel.

kiddo, i think u are alright larh.

Quote: hilarious.

Thursday, November 23, 2006
shumie... says:
then coloring, my mom say now color not in.

xyz says:
just leave it straight
rebond, highlight a bit

xyz says:
ur mom how old


xyz says:
i mom tell me comb like Dr Tony Tan
she say very handsome

Some receive education without being educated

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
if u know what i mean, u are most likely to agree with me.

happy 7 mths, red.

u got so many nicknames, i getting confused.

lets go watch james bond when we are free, yah. I want to watch Happy Feet too. The penguin is cute, so, u have to watch with me. HAHAHA

anyway, i take back the words that we sit on opposite ends on the cinema. haha. joke only. but, if u really want, u can sit by urself on the first row. =p

i also want to eat manhattan.

chomp !

omg omg omg omg IT'S CHEW !

Monday, November 20, 2006
was surfing friendster webs. (lol. yah. i can see u rolling ur eyes)

was looking at MCB. pictures.

first i saw the new campus. the new places they performed at. with the new conductor. slightly rounder, slightly balder. (sorry, hy, if u r reading)

then, i saw yck stadium 1999 national day

and i saw the short little guy with the short crop hair. head bent slightly down. looking at the floor.


and later, i saw picture of myself. totally unglam. restricted photo. not for public eyes.

i saw a lot of other photos. wonder who contributed them.

there's a photo of our senior batch. with me happily at the background with V sign. haha. pictures of the guys. pictures of us at performance.

somehow, the consistent silvers up till 2005 seems to be a regret for yesteryear. when we were so close.

and, i still want to kick ass.

Carissa's 21st birthday ~

Sunday, November 19, 2006

the birthday girl smiling happily, alongside the balloons, and holding the jacket we got her. =) Posted by Picasa

ah ming, jx, fifi, and ah ling Posted by Picasa

while the birthday girl is away... Posted by Picasa

lappie for the presentation slide show.. and the creators. Posted by Picasa

balloon, hoonie, jx, cc, fifi, and me Posted by Picasa

me.. and the balloon Posted by Picasa

in 12 more days.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Wednesday, November 15, 2006
ppp: i very innocent . dont corrupt me ..



tsk tsk. u have flat butt.

thanking the lucky stars

thanks !

needs strength to go on

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

shumie wants solutions and answers.

whether it is fair, we can discuss later.

now, produce.

actually, i dont really need immediate solutions and answers. i want company.

Quote: master and me

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Cheryl says:
conclusion and appendix
i will do up the cover page
shumie.. says:
how come still got appendix
Cheryl says:
shumie.. says:

Transfer of "Conclusion.doc" is complete.

Cheryl says:
i mean exective summary
relak huh
pump some adrenaline for you

shumie.. says:
lucky ur mistake.
or else dumbo will angry
Cheryl says:
can i paste this conversation in my blog
for memories
silence means consent
shumie.. says:
it is a sin
to bully dumbo !
master very brave

Hahahahaha dear dumbo, I must have gave you a shock. lol. it was a good one eh... (It wasn't intentional la... Type wrongly...) Relax ya...


Never 76 again

Saturday, November 11, 2006
met an anal bus driver on bus 76. plain anal.

never going to take 76 again.

sorry, tried all the tricks that i know. but still, aint able to help. always available for a hug when u need one.

Flushed away is nice, isnt it? i enjoyed it. 3 stars. with u as company. 5 ***** =)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

quiet connection

was thinking of showcasing some of the photos i took all this while. some u might have seen before. i like to blog. but recently, i dont have anything to blog about. so i was thinking, i would perhaps drop a picture instead.

tomato phobia

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
i hate tomatos. because it is squishy and half sour-half sweet. Food should be either sour or sweet. cannot half-half. and the squishy centre with the little seeds. it's disgusting. i always leave out the centre of the cucumbers too, since it also squishy and jelly-like.

i dont usually let ppl know why i hate tomatos, cuz, my reasons above are childish, and out of this world.

everytime i would pick out tomatos in my dishes. and when ordering sandwiches, i would make sure that no tomatos are inside.

however, my mom has defeated me. she's smart. she cuts up the tomato into such small pieces that i will be too lazy to remove all of them. i end up eating some bits of tomato.


anyway, projects and presentations are over alrdy. so glad its over. i slept the best out of this 3 weeks or so. =)


life goes on

Sunday, November 05, 2006
perhaps, in the midst of making a decision, i have given up one for another.

there isnt a perfect solution. yOu have to come up with it urself.

if you think that way, what u have now, is a decision that you have made. you wont be able to turn away ever.

and now, i m stuck.


grumblings of the anal mind

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
i've always known it. i just want to bitch about it again and again. i deprive joy from grumbling, complaining, and whining why the world is so. and i do it with no attempts to change it, nor leave it. wait, hold on. i think i will leave it the next time around.

and so, i've said, again and again and again.

it is not who you know, nor how much you know others are doing that makes you great.

you have to be able to produce results. are you able to? or are u riding on the efforts of others? and claiming it to be your own. YOU have to be the one producing results. reliance on others are going to fail you one day.

i've never believed in success without hardships, although, i admit i hope it happens to me sometimes.

fine. results producing aside. let's talk a more myopic scope about contribution. Contribution means suggesting ideas that may or may not be relevant, and may or maynot be accepted by the group.

i see no contribution too.

lastly, trust is a valuable thing. if you failed me twice, i dont see why i have to put my trust in you for the third time. reasons are excuses. nothing will ever stand.

i do have sympathy, and understand for events happening for all occassions. but all these will never justify for a lack of effort, a lack of contribution.

the reality is, we do judge ppl by the work they do.

Urgent ! : Phantom of the Opera

Phantom is finally coming to Singapore. The last time they came was like early 1990s. when i still aint aware of the happenings around me. It's kinda symbolic; cuz its the first musical i heard, and the first musical that i fell in love with. It's the musical i heard before Les miserables, Cats, and the rain thingy. All cant be compared with the great phantom. in awe. truely. truely truely, in awe of the atmosphere even though i heard the musical through CD. the enchantment, the spiralling staircase, and the dusty dungeon. Rushed to the cinemas when the movie was screened. it captured the essentials, but the flat screen wont ever substitute the theatre. It was good. but still not comparable.

I've not spent on bands concerts of my favorite bands. I've not spent on the revolutionized circus performance.

This one, i truely, feel is definitely worth going for.

Indulge me. Follow me to the theatres, will you?

Phantom of the Opera
March 2007.

booking starts now.

p.s. if you are just as interested, but feel the pinch, lemme tell you they wont be back soon. unless, u head over to broadway. and even so, the longest running musical Cats have ended a few years back. what about phantom? might be soon, might be later. u'll never know.

pls pls pls. pretty pls. come with me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*this is meant to be an abstract post*

puzzling. i've been thinking. and i cant figure it out.

look before you leap. look beyond the skin.