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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Returned from PH camp at pulau ubin. Pictures coming up.

Movie marathon !!! almost.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Fifi ! i finally watch Eight Below ! Not bad =) i like the huskies. wootz. It's a really simple story. It is timed very well and like other movies where they tend to drag on a particular scene. (referring tris*tan and isolde) Quite nice. Felt anxious with the fast paced scenes.

Watched Sentinal too. erh.. alright. no comments 2.5/5 stars. ok lor. there are highs and lows in the movie, but it lacks the X factor. I felt like a participant, not one of the actors. Not drawn into the movie.

oh. did i write here that i went to watch tristan and isolde? that one. Dont Watch. darn bloody slow. i tell you. phoony. U can sleep a while, wake up, and still not miss the impt things. the trailer looks nice on tv mobile. but unfortunately, bleh, failed expectations. phooney.

grades are slowly released. no heartattacks. but i suspect that there will be one coming for IE.
*pray pray*

Summer term starts this week. Today is the second lesson. I need to get my act together. Tmr is study day. think there is a lot of things i dont know. very ill informed. pui. how can ?!

Formatted my lappie once again.


Looking back

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Recently, i sent out an ice-cream voucher for YEP.

It turned out to be an keep-in-touch email with s asking how the rest of us are doing, and he went on to update us about their lives in china.

I was double reading the lines. I was reading to read how he is. where is he.

A thought flashed by, exactly how much of this person do i really know?

The person i've known. Was it an impersonation? A hidden self? A mirage?

How can someone I claim to know not know me in return?

How would someone who knows me say that to me?

You must not have known me.

And, I must have seen the real you.

Phoony !!


Saturday, April 22, 2006
If life is like the movies, it would have stopped running now.

school is starting. on Mondy.

Made plans but somehow they dont seem to give me the time. haha.


Sports bash was... hilarious.. as expected.

its good to see everyone having fun ( when it isnt really that fun) Its the ppl who mattered. i entered the place a few hours after the gang. they spent the time drinking. went up and saw tipsy bored ppl. hahaa.

they played indie music which got A roaring away with laughter when i imitated the coconut tree dance sequence.

C was tipsy enough to show her true colors and got everyone annoyed and tickled.

S was edgy and thoughtful. ask him one qn then kena WTF. -.-. kinda stoned i think.

R was the host of the night.

wy was relaxed. the uptightness gone.=)

And i heard, that Macs was nice too. hahaa.

p.s. i really like singapore night sky. and still, cant figure out why the merlion is an attraction.


Thursday, April 20, 2006
Exams ended on tues. Today is thurs. That means i have been lazing around for 2 days. I am not getting used to it. And it is no comfort knowing that school is starting again on next monday. *groans* dont like this kind of jit pua jit pua minibreak.

and so, these two days have been spent... helping with the housework a bit. Quite immediately got assigned housework. Ok, gotta help out once a while ard the house.

Too sick of books to pick out books. So, i didnt lay my hands on them. Been doing a lot of movie script reading though. Read Runaway bride, Sweet November, which i pasted some of the script over here.

I practically dont up from my bed. except during meals, washroom, or when i m going housework. wat a joy!

despite the joy, i hope to hang out ! but friends are either preparing for exams, busy, or got their plans alrdy. =(

anyway, on a positive note, am heading to R sports bash tonight ! wootz. think it is be fun. all of us would be there ! last yr, wy didnt go. this yr he's going ! woooohoooo.. haha.. a night of fun.

Sweet November

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
November is all I know and all I ever want to know.

What do you see?

Female, 32-45, primary household decision maker. Watches 2.5 hours of television a day, spends 27 minutes at the grocery store, values price over brand.

Ignoring him, Sara gazes at the woman with empathy and wonder.

I think she's a mother. I think she loves her family so much it hurts. I think she'd throw herself in front of this train for them if she had to. And I think when she gets into bed at night, she makes love to her husband like he was the king of Egypt.

As Sara enjoys the fruit of her imagination, Nelson reconsiders the woman, this time seriously.

I think she's got a dead-end job, a husband she can't remember why she married, and a kid who doesn't understand any of it.

Nelson's grim assessment rolls over Sara like a cloud, darkening her entire disposition.

Maybe. Maybe it's worse. Maybe nothing about life even makes sense to her anymore. Maybe some days she wishes she could just quit pretending and end the whole goddamn thing.

Nelson stares, silenced by Sara's sudden bleakness.

You want to go to the dark side, Nelson? I can get there faster than you can. Believe me.

Looking away, Sara takes a deep breath and then smiles again, as irrepressible as she was just moments before.

But what for? We see the world we choose to see. And I think my first choice was a helluva lot more fun, don't you?


Tuesday, April 18, 2006
writers' block. every word seemed inaccurate. and so, i shant attempt any further to put things into place, when they really are random. Should not force things into places they dont belong.

ok larh. i shall, therefore, pardon you.

        I'm the only goddamn person in there
        pulling for you.
        You humiliated me!
        No, Maggie, I defended you.
        Humiliating you is what everyone else
        is doing.  It's the theme of this party.
        I had it under control.  Now they feel
        sorry for me.
        Well, they should.  Because they're
        about to watch you hang yourself again.
Maggie has no response.
                       IKE (cont'd)
        -- Tell me something, do you really
        care about Mount Everest?
        It's fun!  It's high.
        Or the sexual habits of locusts?
        That was very interesting research
        George was doing!
        What kind of Dead Head gets a temporary
        I already explained about that.
        And where you ever really going to run
        the leper colony in Molokai?
        Brian told you that?
        Or maybe you just wanted to wear the
        Every one of those times I was being
        supportive.  Something you won't
        Supportive?  You weren't being
        supportive.  You were being scared.
        Just like now.  You are the most lost
        woman I have ever laid eyes on.
        That's right.  You're so lost you don't
        even know how you like your eggs.
        With the priest, you liked them
        scrambled.  With the Dead Head, fried.
        With the bug guy, poached.  Now it's
        egg whites only, thank you very much.
        That's called changing your mind.
        No, that's called not having a mind of
        your own.  What are you doing, Maggie?
        You really want to let that man drag
        you up Annapuma on your honeymoon?  You
        don't want to climb Annapuma.
        Yes I do!
        No you don't.  You want a man who will
        lead you down the beach with his head
        over your eyes just so you can discover
        the feel of the sand under your feet.
        You want a guy who will take you into a
        cave with a thousand candles just to
        read you a poem.  You want a man to
        wake you up at dawn because he's
        burning to talk to you and he can't
        wait another minute to find out what
        you'll say.  Am I right?

The Runaway bride. Starring julia roberts and richard gere. wootz. i like the combination. =)


exams are over !!

but, they are not well done. IE is goner. AE is bleh. gone also. EDA has a bit to hope for. MA is somehow not so good, but my best bet thus far.

over means over liao. no point thinking about it.


HURRAY. 17 weeks of hols ! hahhaa.. *winks at ntu and nus ppl*

ho ho ho ha ha ha he he he heh heh heh

actually not 17 weeks larh. cuz i m doing 2 summer terms. then. maybe intern. then no time for myself. needless to say 17 weeks of hols. sigh sian.



freaking old larh. wa lau. next yr graduate alrdy, u know? so fast. so scary. yikes.

oh yah. next few days to be spent recuperating. regain my sleep. and go out shopping. Wee ! and going for the sports bash. haha.. i wonder what "wonderful" things will happen this time. LOL.

shopping ! i want to go shopping ! now now now ! fast fast fast !

i want to watch 8 below !!

oh. the tri*stan and iso*dle. is not nice one. pui. so bloody slow. it doesnt want the cinema magic touch. i dont want to see normal human beings going thru their drudgery lives. i want to see magic. its darn slow larh. no nice one. no kick. kena tricked by the trailer. chey.

oh. went to manha*ttan fish market. wootz. i like the calamari. yum. the prawn. also yummy. the soft shell. erh. haha. yah. u get it. the fish. yumz not fantastic too. overall grade: yum yum / yum yum yum.

yawn yawn ya


Saturday, April 15, 2006
You can take the darkness from the deep of the night
And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright
I gotta follow it ‘cause everything I know

I've realised why

Thursday, April 13, 2006
The world has this tendency to complicate things. Simple things are made complicated. It happens in all aspects of life. Relationships, work, and play. There are rules, regulations, preemptions, briefs, debriefs, memos, mind games, coercions, threats, etc. You get the drift? In actual fact, the underlying motive is deceptively simple. Why all those complications?

I doubt no one can say that they are totally free from the cares of the world. No one can say that they able to do what they want, when they want and exactly how they want it to be. No one has that limit of freedom. Firstly, the society keeps u in check. Secondly, you lose that spontaneonity to keep smashing the glass ceiling.

And, I've finally realised why. Good stuff, I've heard aplenty. Drive away all that fluff; I want to hear the bare truths. 1+1=2. That's it. There's no preconditions, no trial periods, no moneyback guarantees, no hidden messages on the underside.

You are so blantantly honest that it is a bit disbelieving (wrong). You reduced things to the lowest terms for me and made me see things as they really are. Without those complications. Was it intuitive or by chance? heh heh.. shrug.

p.s. And so, now you know.

Just for the record

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Yeah. This post is just for the record. If u have been reading my blog intently, hahaa, i doubt so, there's a few posts i complained about this proj grp of mine. About poor grp dynamics, last minute work, last minute power struggles, and i bloody hate this kinda thing.

Guess what?

we got an A-

s is ok, though not too satisfied. The two guys are... i dont really know.. For me, it was a pleasant surprise. Cuz, i felt the pptn didnt go too well. shrug. i guess what paid off was that everyone did their share of research. though the approach might be off target, we did have substantial info to back us up, and s's superior ( yes. kowtow standard) writing to tighten things up, although it (maybe) isnt.

Wah seh. Quite happy larh. I've been expecting the worst actually. B/B- grade and i prepared myself for the impact.


p.s. i've started clearing up the blog. ive got the urge to delete and start over.

The Past is Changing

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
One of the (less) impt reasons why i closed my previous blog is because the content is too heavy. A lot of thoughts, a lot of opinions. I felt that I cant login and splash a few words on the page and logout. Thus, i closed it, set up a new one where I can just put a title and call it a post. Things are free and easy. It has served its purpose well enough.

But, things seem a bit messy. Being a perfectionist like me, how can i allow this space to be messy ?! No way ! So, i would do some tidying up. Some of the past will change. Edited, Deleted, Republished.


Monday, April 10, 2006
Hybrid of Hippo and Panda.

Hippo bcuz i cant stop yawning.

panda bcuz (i think this part is self explanatory)

Hippanda of the world Unite!

Horror! scope

Saturday, April 08, 2006
I have always take horoscope at its 2 cents worth. Read then, forget.

But, recent events have told me to take it more seriously. There seems to be some truth in it.

Or, am i making something out of nothing at all?

Those reading, perhaps u wanna share if u believe in horoscopes.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006
"There seems to be so many things (in life), that could hurt. I know I cant handle those without affecting the rest of my life. I've got them so far away from me. Until i have become a blockhead."


regarding the internship, it was a mismatch of interest. they were looking for marketing interns. No ones knows. And so i went. Less of brand name cuz theres not much info to get in the first place. Felt obliged to go becuz Friend roped me in. Aiz. nevertheless, despite all that is said, i should have found out more ( if they are willing to reveal ) before heading down.

To rabbit. Aiz. I understand. Preconditioning to the mind all the way before i step into the office.

At least, now, i can tell myself
this is not due to my resume, cover letter, or responses to those questions.

i ve alrdy failed without trying

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Having too many rejections ruins your selfconfidence.

Got a interview today. But, i am filled with dread. There are no hopes of getting selected.

Rejected too many times, and u lose yourself to the system.


i cant let this decide me.

urgh. bullshit.full of crap. shaddup u devil ! GO AWAY.

Power of a grin

Monday, April 03, 2006
s: Not really.

*looks at me*

s: But, from that grin, I can gather much alrdy.

me: HAHAA. ok good.

( in my head : phwar. i knew it. smart ass you.)

MSN conversation

Saturday, April 01, 2006

that's love

we can never be sure if the other person likes us as much as we like them

but nevertheless we are willing to take the risk of being with them, even though they would hurt us in the end.


Feeling of deja vu. Sometimes, i think the exact thoughts run through our minds, just that we never talk about them seriously. And when we do, we surprise ourselves. You are my twin. Lucky or not, u have to answer it yourself. =)

The godfather

Kay shook her head. "How can you want to marry me, how can you hint to me that you love me, you never said the word but you just now said you loved your father, you never said you loved me, how could you if you distrust me so much you cant tell me about the most important things in your life? How can you want to have a wife that you cannot trust? Your father trusts your mother. I know that."

"Sure," Michael said. "But he doesnt mean he tells her everything. And, you know, he has reasons to trust her. Not because they got married and she's his wife.But she bore him four children in times when it is not that safe to bear children. She nursed and guarded him when people shot him. She believed in him. He was always her first loyalty for forty years. After you do that I will probably tell you a few things you dont really want to hear."

-The Godfather